o Jorte Cloud: Original Cloud feature for multi-device use and backup.
o Various widget settings are available.
o Monthly and Weekly views are available.
o Important appointments are shown in red.
o See completed appointments at a glance.
o It can synchronize with Google Calendar.
o Adjust the starting day of the week on each view; it doesn't always have to be Sunday!
o Import the Holidays of your choice from Google Calendar.
o Import and Export the contexts to CSV format.
o It can be controlled using Google Voice Search and Google Maps.
Android OS 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2
The screen display will automatically adjust to any screen size, whether on smartphones or on tablets, as well as portrait or landscape mode.
Jorte Cloud
Sync the Jorte Calendars, schedules, and Tasks to the Jorte Cloud.
You can access the Jorte Cloud from home, office, and anywhere else through PC, tablets and also from your smartphone. With this feature allowing access anywhere from multiple devices, Jorte is now more than just an app on a phone, it even works as a backup of your schedules and task lists.
Sign-up to get a Jorte Account and start taking advantage of the cloud experience:
Jorte account (free!)
Any Data inputs onto Jorte DO NOT get erased when you upgrade the version of Jorte.
Please DO NOT uninstall Jorte if you’d like to keep and reflect your data onto the new version of Jorte. Just simply install and overwrite the previous version, your data will be there.
*By syncing with the Jorte Cloud, your data will be kept on the cloud, so even if you happen to uninstall the app, your schedule will still be there and you can sync it again with the re-downloaded app.
More Info:
» How To Install «